Mr Suren Wickramathilake, First President Scout of 39th Colombo Scout Group from year 1978 currently serving the troop as a Group advisor, was keen to meet the present Scouts of 39th Colombo Scout Troop after his migration to USA.
Mr. Suren is was a member of the Executive Committee of the Colombo District Scout Association from 2002-2004 and was appointed as a Life Member of the Scout Council of the Sri Lanka Scout Association in 2004. He was a member of he organizing committee for the National Jamborees in Nuwara Eliya in 2006, Centenary Jamboree of Colombo District Madampe in 2014 and Jaffna Jamboree in 2016.
Mr. Suren was appointed as an Assistant District Commissioner of the Colombo District in 2006 and was appointed as the District Commissioner of the Colombo District in 2015-2020. He was awarded the Wood Badge in 2016 was awarded the Service Medal by the Sri Lanka Scout Association in 2017.
Mr Suren has rendered over 50 service years in Scouting.
A token of appreciation was presented to Mr. Suren Wickramathilake for being a pillar of strength to the Scout group over the years.
“Scouting is not restricted to the days you have Troop meetings. It becomes a way of life, and you need to put in to practice all that scouting teaches and experiences gained in making your childhood and adult life meaningful to you. You must have a positive impact on your family and those you come in to contact in everyday life. Keep in mind the Scout Promise you take ‘To Help other people at all times and to obey the Scout Law’”