Scouts is all about fun, friendship and everyday adventure. We provide great opportunities for young people and adults from a range of different backgrounds.
Scouting is a MOVEMENT begun in 1907 by Lord Baden Powell in the UK. The ultimate aim of the movement is to develop Good Citizenship among boys by forming their character, training them in habits of leadership and self reliance, inculcating loyalty and thoughtfulness for others; in short, promoting their Physical, Mental, and Spiritual development. This is the largest youth movement in the world, with over 50 million Scouts aged 11 to 18 in over 200 countries worldwide. This is supplemented by thousands of adult leaders, young and old.
The principles & practice of the movement are founded on the basis of the Scout Law and Promise. The Scout promises, on his Honour, to do his duty to his country and religion, to help others at all times, and to obey the Scout Law. The Scout Law emphasizes the necessity to be Trusty, Loyal, Helpful, Brotherly, Courageous, Kind, Clean, etc.
The Scout Master is assisted by at least two adults, all of whom believe with Socrates that “No man goeth about a more Goodly Purpose than he who is mindful of the right upbringing not only of his own, but of other men’s children.”
The Scout Troop is in two sections – Seniors (14 Years and 6 Months – 18 years) and Juniors (10 Years and 6 Months – 14 Years and 6 Months). In each section, the Scouts are divided into seven groups of about eight boys; each group is known as a “Patrol.” Each Patrol is the charge of one boy, who is the Patrol Leader, assisted by his second. The Patrol Leaders, along with the Senior Scouts in Grade 11, form the Patrol Leader’s Council. This is the Body that decides the rewards, reprimands, plans, programmes of work, camps, and attends to most other matters affecting Troop management. The Scoutmasters only guide. Thus, the Patrol system aims to give responsibility to as many boys as possible with a view to developing their character and ability to work with others, which serves them in good stead throughout their lives.
The Troop meets weekly on Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Your son is expected to be present throughout the meeting. Punctuality and attendance is taken seriously, and a letter of excuse must follow any missed meeting.
Each Scout should have at least one uniform, which consists of a pair of Navy blue shorts (longs for seniors) with belt loops, a light grey shirt (of special material and pattern available through the Scout Headquarters), black knee-‐length socks, black lace-‐up shoes, Prep school scarf, and the various badges. The uniform is not worn immediately, but only after a period of at least three months during which the newly recruited Scout undergoes some basic training. Therefore, there is no need to get the uniform at once. This delay will be wise just in case your son decides not to continue in Scouting.
The main purpose of Camps is to teach the boys to look after themselves and be self-‐ sufficient as far as possible. We generally aim to hold two camps every year. One is held for a period of 6 to 8 days, usually in the April holidays, and is generally in a different province each year. The other is held for a shorter period in the 2nd or 3rd term. A special weekend camp maybe held in School during the year to train the newer boys. The Scout headquarters does organize its own camps, rallies etc. during the year, and attendance at some of these is also expected.
A boy on joining the Troop is called a “recruit” (formerly Tenderfoot) until he is invested as a Scout after at least a two-‐month period, during which he must prove himself worthy of being a Scout by passing various tests. Other awards follow, the highest Junior (under 15) award being the Chief Commissioner’s Challenge Award, and the highest Senior award (under 18) being the President’s Scout award.
In keeping with the part of the Promise “…to help other people at all times,” the Scouts are called upon to render service on various occasions. We expect you to give permission for your son to answer this call. Of course, they will be looked after in all respects and it will be seen that studies are not affected.
Each Scout should pay Rs. 2,000 per year. All of this is utilized to provide the boys tea during the Scout meeting, as well as to defray other administration expenses. The training is to see that each Scout tries to earn this money through various deeds around the home and neighbours.
We trust the above information has served to give you an understanding of what Scouting is, the expenses to be incurred, etc. We will gladly provide any additional information at your request. We expect your cooperation by giving your son all encouragement. Regular attendance and punctuality is very important. We take care to ensure that Scouting, instead of interfering with a boy’s studies, supplements his education at School in a way other activities cannot.
We shall be very grateful if you could keep us informed of any problem that may arise at School, home, or outside, concerning your son. We will be very happy to help in any way that we can. Please keep in touch with us. As there are currently only a few adult leaders to help conduct Scouting at Prep School, it will not be quite possible to run the Troop as an “ideal” Troop, but of course we will do our best. In closing, we quote from the Founder’s last message to the Scouts, highlighting the ultimate aim of Scouting:
“…I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness doesn’t come from being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can be useful and so you can enjoy life when you are a man. Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one. But the real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best. “Be Prepared” in this way, to live happy and to die happy-stick to your Scout Promise always when you have ceased to be a boy ‐ and God help you to do it.”
Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell
Yours in the Service of your Son
Steps to Become a Prep Scout
- Should be 10 Years and 6 months to apply
- Read the above notice once again
- Download “Membership Application Form” (You can download the editable or clear form)
- Download “Consent Form“
- Attach a Photocopy of Birth Certificate with dully filled application form and consent form (Do not attach original copies)
- Admission fee of Rs. 2000.00 in a small envelope and put it inside the A4 envelope (Do not paste the envelope)
- Put all the documents in an A4 size envelope
- Wite your name
- Front middle: To – Miss. Yvonne Charles (Group Scout Leader)
- Top Left corner: 39th Colombo Registration Documents and Registration Fee
- Handover the A4 Size envelope to Group Scout Leader Miss Yvonne Charles